I am a servant of Christ and I preach and teach the words of Christ every Sabbath and feed the homeless every week. The only reason I am on this site is to find my special wife that Christ said he has for me. Christ told me to go to Africa, and I am in the process of doing just that, my contact there says that they have apartment's that I can lease, were, God willing I can buy land and build a home for my special wife and our children. Also there is a business that I will invest in, it is in the food industry and it is set up on a turn key system so I will not have to spend a lot time there. Christ has given me his love for all people, and he has given me the ability to love my special wife as Christ love the church and gave his life for her, ought men to love there wives. Partner I'm looking for I am looking for that special wife, she is simple, that is so attactive, she love family her children and her husband, she keeps her home clean, loving, peaceful and healthy for her family, she is simply at home because her family is there and they need her.