I am an aspiring Ghanaian-American mission-minded young man, looking for a lifetime's partner, co-thinker and co-worker as a wife to spend my wonderful life of wealth and beauty with. I am seeking to accomplish these four dreams for God according to Ephesians 2:9-10. They are: 1. Build a Hospital 2. Build a Tuition-Free School System 3. Establish a Commercial Bank 4. Radio/TV Networks. I am about a year short of my Theology doctorate, but currently preparing to pursue medical degree in the interim in Texas USA. The woman must or is willing to be equipped with the following qualities. SPIRITUALLY 1. Very strong Christian woman who knows how to touch heaven with personal and family daily prayers, fasting and alms giving as a lifestyle. A woman who puts God first in all her ways. 2. Must be willing to read and study the Bible with family and personally, and at least read the Bible through once a year. 3. A woman whose life is guided and guarded by the Word and the Holy Ghost. PERSONALLY 1. Must be a professional; such as a businesswoman, a lawyer, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher etc. 2. Must know how to depend on God and wait on Him for herself, husband, family and others. 3. Family-oriented woman with intent to bear at most three children INHERENT CHARACTERISTICS 1. She must be wise, Intelligent, Independent yet deep-mutual-lover of her husband. 2. She must also be Assertive, Proactive, Fair, Loving, Caring, Compassionate, witty and highly respectful. She naturally truly loves her husband and children to raise them up in God. 3. Must be the crown and lighthouse for the husband. 4. She must be neat/clean. “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” PHYSICAL FEATURES 1. Must be beautiful both inside and outside, fair in complexion and about 5.4” to 5.6” in height; not overweight. 2. Must be presentable to meet and address many dignitaries and also the impoverished. INTIMACY 1. Must be unafraid and shameless to fully express her sexuality only to and with her husband at her own will and choosing.